Image Tours Visual Description
This infographic shows a screenshot of an Image Tour with ten key features of the interactive labeled and explained. The screenshot includes an image of the center of the Milky Way, along with the tour stop menu, tool bar with image controls, an information panel, and the viewport navigator. The screenshot includes an example tour stop with its associated graphic overlays and explanatory information.
Overlaid on the screenshot are ten numbered text boxes pointing to key features of the interactive. The ten features are as follows:
- Near the top left corner of the Image Tour screenshot is a button with the words “Tour Stops” and an expanded list of 11 options. The eighth option in the list, “Quintuplet Cluster,” is bold and underlined to indicate that this is the tour stop currently shown on the screen. The text box reads, “Tour Stop Menu: Expand to access the tour stops."
- Near the top middle of the Image Tour screenshot are six buttons, each with a symbol indicating the button’s function. From left to right, these symbols are: house, plus-sign, minus-sign, eyeball, expansion arrows, and left arrow. The text box reads, “Tool Bar: Controls for navigating around the image tour.”
- The text box pointing to the button with the left arrow reads, “Back Button: Return to select a new Image Tour.”
- To the right of the Tour Stop Menu, and below the Tool Bar, a text box pointing to the image of the Milky Way reads,
“Main Image: Pan and zoom to explore tour stops and learn more about the image.”
- Near the center of the Milky Way image is a circular black button with a white plus sign. The text box reads, “Point
of Interest: A pin on the main image that opens a tour stop.” Several features in the image near this pin are marked with a graphic overlay. In the middle of the overlay is another pin in the form of a circular white button with a black video-play icon.
- To the right of the Milky Way image is a vertical panel that takes up about a quarter of the screen. The panel includes the Image Tour title, “Center of the Milky Way Galaxy,”; a subtitle with the name of the tour stop, “The Quintuplet Cluster,” and a paragraph describing the particular point of interest. The text box reads, “Information Panel: Provides details for each tour stop.”
- At the top of the Information Panel, above the title, is a set of arrows, one pointing left and one pointing right. The text box reads, “Pagination: Scroll through the tour stops.” Between the two arrows is the text, “8/11,” indicating that the screen is currently showing the eighth of 11 stops in the Image Tour
- Below the paragraph of text in the Information Panel is a thumbnail of a video along with an expansion icon and the words, “Play Video”. The text box reads, “Tour Stop Media: Expand media when available.”
- Below the Tour Stop Media is a text icon and the words, “Visual Description.” The text box reads, “Visual Description: Read a detailed description of each tour stop.”
- In the bottom left corner of the screenshot is a small version of the full image of the center of the Milky Way, with a white rectangle outlining the field of view currently shown on the screen. The text box reads, “Viewport Navigator: See your current view and pan across the image.