Expand Your Universe with ViewSpace Interactives

ViewSpace Interactives allow you to explore objects and materials from different perspectives, and discover how we can combine information to better understand the universe. Use these interactives to spy newly forming stars hidden inside giant clouds of gas and dust, search for pulsars in the remains of exploded stars, witness the effects of galaxy collisions, explore ways of detecting and investigating planets orbiting distant stars, and more.

Image Tours

4 screenshots arranged in a 2 by 2 grid. Each includes a space telescope image with clickable pins, which appear as small black-and-white circles with plus-signs, and overlay graphics. Top left: Galaxy with part of a spiral arm highlighted and the rest of the galaxy dimmed. Active pin beside highlighted area. Inactive pins mark 4 other features. Top right: Colorful image of stars, gas, and dust, with active pin near center. Bright object circled, with arrows pointing toward feature traced with dashed line. To right of image is a column with title, explanatory text, and video. Along top of screen are menu, navigation buttons, and other controls. Bottom Left: Zoom-in to part of image in top-right screenshot, with different pin and different features marked with dashed lines. Bottom Right: Star with bright jets extending in opposite directions, and active pin next to edge of smoky cloud traced with dashed line. 4 other features marked with inactive pins. Explore Image Tours

Image Tours offer a way to learn about the composition, processes, and evolution of different and interesting areas of the universe, such as the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

Learn how to use the Tours below

Image Sliders

4 screenshots arranged in 2 by 2 grid. Each includes a space telescope image with labels identifying relevant features. 3 also include graphic overlays. Top left: Numerous bright objects (galaxies) of different color, size, and shape on black background of space. 2 small areas outlined, labeled, and magnified to show details. Top right: Large, oblong, blue-white cloud with a bright spot at the center. Outer portion of the cloud is overlain with a red check pattern. 2 features are labeled. Bottom left: Spherical shell of dusty brown material surrounding a bright red object at the center. 2 parts of the dusty shell are labeled. Bottom right: Image of a spiral galaxy with dashed lines tracing two of the spiral arms. 3 features are labeled. Below the image is a line of text above a horizontal slider bar with 5 stops. The circular slider control is set at the far-left stop. Explore Image Sliders

Sliders offer an opportunity to compare images captured using different telescopes to explore different facets of the universe, such as what objects in space are made of and how they change over time.

Learn how to use the Sliders below

How to Use the Image Tours

Select the Image Tours tab within the Interactives Library page to access our interactive image tours. Each Tour includes a number of points of interest, which are accessible by selecting different points on the main image, navigating the Tour Stop Menu, or cycling through the Information Panel’s pagination.

If you are here for the first time, begin by exploring the different objects, structures, and regions at the Center of our Milky Way.

An infographic calling out ten features of the Interactive Image Tour. Please see the Image Tour Visual Description for more detail.

How to Use the Image Sliders

Select the Image Sliders tab within the Interactives Library page to access our interactive sliders. Each topic includes a number of interactives, which are accessible by expanding the topic within the Topics Menu, and then clicking on the title.

If you are here for the first time, begin by exploring what the world might look like if human eyes could detect all different Forms of Light.

ViewSpace Interactive Image Sliders are adapted from Cool Cosmos by Caltech/IPAC with additional contributions from Bruno Merin and Miguel Merin (Pludo).

An infographic calling out six features of the Interactive Image Slider. Please see the Image Slider Visual Description for more detail.

Interactive Web Apps

Museums, libraries, and other informal learning venues may want to consider installing our ViewSpace Interactive Web Apps to set up an exhibit or facilitated experience. These provide isolated access to the Image Sliders or Image Tours and prevents navigation to other websites.

This video provides a look into the installation, configuration, and features of the ViewSpace Interactive Sliders Web App. We are updating the video to add additional information on the ViewSpace Interactive Tours Web App. The Interactive Web Apps, free applications supported by NASA’s Universe of Learning program, provide access to both interactives on ViewSpace. The apps are available on desktop, Android devices, and iPadOS devices.

Visit our Setup Guide for installation instructions.